Canon Camera


Before a Canon camera can be used with the ProjectionTools it has to be calibrated by the domeprojection team. Otherwise the calculation for the projector alignment will be incorrect.

After the successful calibration, the camera will be selectable in the Creator, also the serial number of the camera will be set as the owner within the camera.

Camera Settings

To ensure a proper calculation certain camera settings have to be checked.

  1. The picture mode has to be set to M for manual

  2. The picture quality has to be set to L to have the full resolution

  3. Turn off the Auto power off function

  4. The manual focus of the lens has to be put to the mark made by the domeprojection team to ensure a good result. Auto-focus must be switched of for lenses that support auto-focus.

  5. The serial number of the camera has to be set as the owner.

    image36 image37

Potential Problems

  1. The Dots are not or only partly recognized.

    • Check if picture Mode is not set to M (Manual)

    • Check ISO values and exposure time as well as recognition-parameters in Creator

  2. ISO values and or exposure time can not be change within the Creator.

    • Check if picture Mode is not set to M (Manual)

  3. The calculation of the camera position is wrong despite correct recognized markers.

    • Ensure that camera resolution is to L

  4. The camera lost the connection to the computer

    • The auto power off function might be turned on

    • The battery could be low

  5. After the calculation do the projectors not fit together

    • The manual focus might not be set to the calibrated value or auto-focus is set to automatic

    • Wrong resolution might be set within the camera

  6. My camera is not selectable when creating a new project with the Creator

    • Camera was not calibrated by

  7. The camera does not get recognized by the Creator

    • check if camera is turned on

    • check if camera is connected to the computer

    • The owners name might not be set to the serial number of the camera