Export ScalableDesktop
ScalableDesktop exporter supports export of warping and shading for one ScalableDesktop computer with multiple displays attached and organized in a regular grid.
- Requirements
All displays must have the same resolution.
Displays must be ordered line wise in a regular grid.
Export Settings
- Export Path
A folder where the exported files should be saved. The folder should exist.
- Columns
Number of displays in a row. Native desktop-resolution is calculation based on this.
- Rows
Number of rows. Native desktop-resolution is calculated based on this.
- Warping
Enable to export “ScalableDataOrthographic.ol” which contains the geometric information.
- Shading
Enable to export shading images “ProjectorAlphaMask-blend0.bmp” containing, blending, clipping and shading information.
Import to ScalableDesktop
Override the corresponding files in:
Re-Engage the warping.