Export Pandoras Box

Pandoras Box Exporter supports export of warping and blending as well as setting up the virtual cameras. Mapper2d and Mapper3d comes with a version of PB Automation which is used to update the camera settings directly. Please check http://coolux.de/root/downloads/support/SDK/PandorasBoxSDK.zip for the latest version of PB Automation.


Pandoras Box Exporter has the following requirements:

Mapper Version

Pandoras Box Product

Minimum PB Version


PlayerCompact PlayerSoftware Player

V6.0 Rev15432



V6.0 Rev15432

For legacy pre split content support see section [presplit] <#presplit.

The exporter creates the following files:

  • A set of warping_*.X files containing the warping that should

    be placed in the mesh slot of the corresponding outputs.

  • A set of shading_*.png files containing blending information.

    These files must be placed in the output blend slot. Ensure that the Warped checkbox is ticked.

  • A set of frustum_*.csv files containing the camera position

    and orientation as well as the FOV, offset and roll information. These files are needed only if automation is disabled.

  • A set of layer_*.X files which define layer geometry to fill

    the default camera exactly. These files are used for legacy pre split content support only. see section [presplit] <#presplit for detailed information.

Export Settings

2D Settings

3D Settings

Export Path:

A folder where the exported files should be saved. This folder should exist.


Enable to export warping_*.X and layer_*.X files defining the warping and layer mesh.


Enable to export (shading_*.png) masks containing monochrome blending, clipping and shading information.

Unit Translation Mode:

Select the unit translation mode configured in Pandoras Box. You will find this configuration under in Pandoras Box.

Init with Resolution:

This option is available only when Unit Translation Mode is set to Use Fixed Relationship. Choose the resolution configured in Pandoras Box. See Compositing Pass in Pandoras Box under .

Parameter Value:

Adapt the settings appropriate to the Pandoras Box configuration under Parameter Value Readout which can be found under .

Content Size (Mapper2d only)

Enter the content width and height either in pixels (when Parameter Value Pixel(where applicable) is ticked) or in generic units.

Camera Distance (Mapper2d only)

Enter the camera distance to the content either in pixels (when Parameter Value Pixel(where applicable) is ticked) or in generic units.


If enabled, the Pandoras Box exporter tries to update the cameras by use of PB Automation. Note that Pandoras Box Exporter internally uses Pandoras Box generic units. For this it is necessary that the interpretation of Automation Param Input values is set to generic units. See section Parameter Value Readout under for details.

PB Master IP:

Enter here the IP address of the Pandoras Box master instance. Only necessary when Automation is enabled.

Domain ID:

Enter the Pandoras Box master Domain ID. You will find the Domain ID in Pandoras Box under . Only necessary when Automation is enabled.

Mapper2d and Mapper3d creates for each projector an entry in the automation table. If Automation is enabled, it is necessary to configure the Site ID and Device ID values. Row 1 is for Projector one, row 2 for projector two and so on. Enter here the appropriate camera device and site IDs. You will find these values in the Device Tree in Pandoras Box (e.g. [1.25] Camera ([Site ID.Device ID])). If Automation is disabled you have to copy the values from the generated frustum_*.csv files to the appropriate camera devices.

Example of a two channel system (one device two outputs) with Mapper2d

The following section describes a very simple example setup and the workflow to create a proper result in Pandoras Box. The starting situation is shown in table 1 <#starting_situation_mapper2d_pandoras_box_example

starting situation

content size


display resolution


generic unit to px

2560/16 = 160

content size in generic units

3600/(2560/16)x1800/(2560/16)px = 22.5x11.25

Table 2 <#configuration_mapper2d_pandoras_box_example shows some different configuration options. In option 2 for example the mapping has to be configured as 2:1, the cutting rectangles can be rotated and the uv scale has to be set to 1x0.5. In the exporter the content size have to be set to 22.5x22.5 generic units (see table 1 <#starting_situation_mapper2d_pandoras_box_example for the conversion between pixels and generic units) and the camera distance can be set to the default value. In this case no scaling in Pandoras Box is necessary.

configuration options


M apper2d

Pand orasBox


mapping config uration

e xporter config uration





UV scale

Content Size

Cam d istance

Imag eScaleY




1 x 1

22.5 x 22.5






1 x 0.5

22.5 x 22.5





un rotated

1 x 1

22.5 x 11.25






1 x 1

22.5 x 22.5



Table 3 <#workflow_mapper2d_pandoras_box_example shows to steps to apply the expor data to Pandoras Box.

Workflow appying export data to Pandoras Box


Pandoras Box

(only when Automation was disabled during export) Open frustum_*.txt files and copy the values to the corresponding cameras.


Import exported data to the Pandoras Box project by dragging the export folder from Assets-tab to Project-tab.

Drag warping_*.X to mesh slot of corresponding output. The resulting image should now appear warped in preview window.


Drag blending_*.png to blend slot of corresponding output. The resulting image should now appear warped and blended in preview window.


Presplit Content Setup

The cutting rectangles in Mapper2d must match the cutting used in the corresponding Pandoras Box project. (There should be only one projector per device.)

A matching cutting layout can be achieved in multiple ways:

  • editing the cutting rectangles in Mapper2d by hand

  • use

  • use ProjectionTools Cutter to create presplit content based on

    cutting rectangles from Mapper2d (strongly recommeded for dome content)

Setup Pandoras Box for presplit content

The cutting rectangles in Mapper2d must match the cutting used in the corresponding Pandoras Box project. (There should be only one projector per device.)

A matching cutting layout can be achieved in multiple ways:

  • editing the cutting rectangles in Mapper2d by hand

  • use Extras!Layout Cutting Rectangles…

  • use ProjectionTools Cutter to create pres plit content based on

    cutting rectangles from Mapper2d (strongly recommended for dome content)

In order to setup Pandoras Box for pre split content, a sample pre split content should be available to make setup easier to verify. A fast way to create a pre split still image is to use A file dialog opens and requests an image and an output path. The source image is than sliced and the subimages are stored in the output folder. Import the sliced image into your Pandoras Box project.

For pre split projects all the cameras will stay at their default positions in Pandoras Box. All cameras are placed and oriented the same way with no shift.

The exported data must be imported into the Pandoras Box project and applied to the corresponding layers and cameras.

  1. Import data to the Pandoras Box project by dragging the export

    folder from Assets-tab to Project-tab.

  2. (optional) Drag layer_*.X to mesh slots of all layers in the

    corresponding device, that should contain presplit content or the shading images. Images placed on these layers should now perfectly match the cameras view (in Pandoras Box 5 this is optional since the layers match the default camera by default).

  3. Drag warping_*.X to mesh slot of corresponding output. The

    resulting image should now appears warped in preview window.

  4. Drag shading_*.png to top most layer in corresponding devices

    and set opacity to 255. One ore more edge should get dark, depending on the overlap with other projector

Example of a two channel system (one device two outputs).


Pandoras Box


Original output from two projector project using standard test pattern


Presplit content loaded


Presplit content assigned to correct camera



All presplit content loaded and assigned



Warping assinged to corresponding outputs



Blending put on layers and assigned to correct cameras

